There is a family that we are very close to. I have known Jason and Nicole since I was in the 5th grade. I played basketball, volleyball, and was a cheerleader with Nicole in junior high and high school. Her and Jason dated almost all through high school and have now been married for over 10 years. Their very first child, Keaton, holds a very special place in my heart. I was his nanny for the first 10 months of his life.
While I was keeping Keaton, Nicole got pregnant with her 2nd child. I kept Keaton until September and in December she had Isaac and started staying at home with both boys.
Not only did I "work" for their family, but was best friends with them. Jason is a great friend also. He has just been a great support through some very tough times in my life. I have so much respect for him. A couple years later they had their 3rd child, Carder. Olivia and Carder are only 6 months apart and have a true love/hate relationship. They are best buddies one minute and the next they are fighting like brother and sister.
When Carder was about 2 or so Nicole got pregnant 2 more times and they both ended in miscarriage. The first one was very early on in the pregnancy, but the 2nd time, she was 20 weeks along and had gone in to find out the sex of the baby when they found that she had lost it. That baby was a little girl. Jason and Nicole were heartbroken. They trusted God though and knew that He had a plan for their family. They made the decision that they were done having biological children. They wanted to foster/adopt. They went through The Call and very quickly their home was open for placement. A couple weeks after their home being officially "open" they got a call about a brand new baby girl that needed a foster home. They weren't sure for how long or what the outcome would be. Nicole and Jason said yes. Nicole actually picked up the baby girl from the hospital and brought her home. She was 3 days old. She was a "crack" baby and they weren't sure who the father was or what, if anything, would be wrong with her. Her name was Rical. Everyone opened "baby rikki" into their home and hearts. We have a very close group of friends and we were all so excited to have a new baby around. Olivia is the only girl of the group. We all felt that God had placed this baby in their home and that she was here to stay. Jason and Nicole were hesitant to get their hopes up. After several "no shows" from the biological parents, the courts terminated their rights.
Last week, on January 27, 2010, Jason and Nicole became the parents of this baby girl. A mere 8 months after bringing her home from the hospital. Ella Joy is now a part of this family with 3 older brothers! She is blossoming and is beautiful and we are all so very excited for our friends. I babysit for them alot and have really enjoyed getting to know this baby girl. Because Olivia and Ella Joy are the only girls out of all the kids my friends and I have, I am really trying to encourage a relationship between the 2 of them. I know they are 2 and 1/2 years apart but when they get older that won't matter. Nicole and I are 4 years apart and are very close. Nicole was Matron of Honor in my wedding and we have talked about are kids growing up together like we have. It is awesome for us both to have daughters now and we hope and pray that they grow up to be best friends and maybe one day be in each others weddings. I love Keaton, Isaac, Carder, and now Ella Joy as if they are my own children.
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